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Please visit Coco Bodu Hithi page on our new website by
following the link below
The enchanting
private island of Bodu Hithi, located in North Malé Atoll, is
only a 40 minutes speedboat ride from the airport. The
island is one of the gems of the Maldives with its exotic
vegetation crossed by natural sandy walkways and is ringed
by white sand beaches and coconut palms set off by a perfect
backcloth of turquoise seas and isolated sand banks.
This new addition to the Coco Collection
extends an appealingly fresh and different invitation to the
discerning guests in an exclusive setting of infinite charm
where stylish contemporary creature comforts blend easily
with distinctive Maldivian themes.
The ambience of the island will be enchanting the most
pages available soon
the meantime, please visit the Coco Bodu Hithi official
website : http://www.cococollection.com.mv
download the resort fact sheet:
fact sheet here
and check our
best available rates and current promotions for this
property :
Check our rates and current promotions
any booking, rates, promotion and availability request,
please kindly contact our Worldwide Reservations Office
e-mail reservation@eihr.com
or by phone +33 (0)3 90 204 505