Perivolas History
In the 19th century the Psychas
family, like many other Santorini families,
developed through trade in the noted wines of the
island a connection with Odessa on the Black Sea.
Manos Psychas, a sea captain, was
born in Odessa, but when his job as captain of the
Greek navy brought him to Santorini in the late
1950s he determined to renew his ties with his
family’s island. In 1969 Manos and his wife Nadia ,
purchased a piece of cliff with cave dwellings and
stables in the Perivolas area of the cliff top
village of Oia. They had the vision of creating an
idyllic retreat on their beloved island. Faithful to
the tradition of Santorini’s unique architecture
they have restored a group of 300 year-old caves
that were once the homes of local fishermen and
With the help of native craftsmen and
using the local stone this historical setting has
been gradually transformed into a luxurious complex
of 20 very individual suites.
This was the beginning of Perivolas.
